About Us


The LGFF was intially set up by Gloucestershire County Council and the LGiU in response to the summer 2007 floods, with the following aims: Image6

  • To provide a coordinated voice on flooding issues for local government

  • To discuss the key flooding issues for local government

  • To generate new ideas and policy solutions that help local government

LGFF 2013/14

The LGFF will be in Paris as part of RainGain a local government conference with French, Belgium, Dutch and UK partners - click here for details

The LGFF will continue to be looking at flood risk response in terms of emergency response,  SUDS impact, flood insurance.

LGFF 2012/13 

In 2012/13, the LGFF will be discussing floods insurance, property level protection, the SUDS Approval Bodies and the impacts of changes to the planning regime on flooding. 

The LGFF as part of RainGain held another successful National Observers' Group meeting in London on 16 April 2013.

LGFF 2011/12

The LGFF became a partner to an EU-backed project called RainGain an Interreg IV B funded programme that is looking at using innovative technology deal with flooding in urban areas.

Discussed the implications on Government's plans on insurance in flood risk areas

LGFF priorities 2010/2011

In its Structural Reform Plan, Defra has committed to produce a water white paper in June 2011 and implement the findings of the Pitt Review over the course of the next five years. Under both circumstance there will be a need to develop our ideas around:

  • Funding for flood risk management
  • Clarification of local government’s role and relationship with other stakeholders
  • Skilling up council staff/members
  • Joining up flood risk management with the Floods Risk Regulations
  • Workable implementation plans for SUDS, Investigations, Local Plans and Designation of Features

Past success

In 2009/2010 the LGFF had its most successful period supporting over 100 councils and engage with officers and members by leading the debate on local government’s role in flood risk management. Thanks to our 100+ members help we secured improvements to the Floods and Water Management (FAWM) Act, which were welcomed by the minister and team in Defra. We gave evidence to the bill scrutiny committee and forcibly made the point about lack of finance for implementation of the bill.

  • The LGFF brand is now recognised by government and stakeholders.
  • The LGFF has managed to convene a very powerful group of members and officers.
  • The LGFF has a culture of offering positive solutions to policy challenges.
  • The FAWM Act has big gaps - not least finance and skills.
  • The FAWM Act enables a lot of secondary guidance, which will need to be closely watched by local government.

These achievements were realised through the following activities:

  • Convened three LGFF events – March, July and November 2009
  • Made a submission to the Efra committee’s inquiry into the Draft Bill, May 2009
  • Made a Submission to the Draft Flood and Water Management Bill consultation, July 2009
  • Made a Submission and oral evidence to the Floods and Water Management Bill Scrutiny Committee, December 2009
  • Produced a paper on finance “Flood defence costs financing options”, November 2009
  • Ran LGFF fringe sessions at three party conferences
  • Held numerous meetings with politicians and civil servants


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